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Alexis Lee


Netflix Binge List

The past two weeks of travel, fun, and relaxation have been wonderful; but it feels great to be back! I decided to share a Netflix watch list with you guys. During my vacation I got to catch up on all of my favorite shows, but I also got to start some new ones. This list is going to steer clear of shows like Orange Is The New Black and House Of Cards because I’m sure someone at some point this summer has told you to watch the obvious. I took some time to pick my top 5 favorite new obscure shows, all of the shows can be found on Netflix (If you don’t have Netflix…it’s time to make a change in your life). So with no further ado I give all of you lovely humans my five favorites!

If you love Sci-fi and intricate hard to follow story lines I highly recommend the Netflix series Sense8. There is currently only one season of the show, but I can promise you after the first episode you will be hooked. I won’t even try to delve into the plot, seeing how layered and complicated it is. But, if you enjoy shows that leave you on the very edge of your seat and are filled with inexplicable action and tension you need to give Sense8 a chance.

Netflix has finally taken the plunge and dove into the cooking show industry. But, with Netflix being Netflix they weren’t just going to produce some sub par average cooking show. Cooked is a cooking science show that is a hybrid between National Geographic and the History Channel. Each episode highlights an element of cooking, as an example the first episodes theme is fire. Cooked takes you all over the globe in an effort to show how the art of cooking and use of the highlighted element impacts the lives of everyone who uses it. I suggest watching cooked after a few puffs of green, due to the gorgeous HD imagery and photography used in every episode.

If you are in need of some super hero antics I highly recommend Arrow. No Summer downtime watchlist should ever be without a little dose of hero vs. villain. Arrow is a show that can be watched live on the CW but I stumbled upon it via Netflix. Three seasons are available on Netflix, so this show is totally bingeable (nothing more perfect than a solid summer Netflix binge). Arrow is about a very wealthy heir who falls victim to a yacht accident and is stranded on an island for many years until he is finally rescued. Except our wealthy heir does not come back the same, he comes back as a bow and arrow wielding vigilante. You will have to watch the rest for yourself, but I promise every episode has a perfect amount of action and nostalgic super hero one liners to keep you entertained.

2.Black Mirror
This series is overlooked by many due to its origins being across the pond. Black Mirror was originally adapted by the BBC, but after Netflix saw its potential they continued to produce it. Black Mirror can be watched in any order because its a story anthology, (that basically means each episode is its own story and nothing carries over to other episodes) I’m so used to watching shows in order this was a fun change. Black Mirror basically shows us scenarios in the future of our world where technology takes over for the worst. Black Mirror is one of the best produced shows I have ever seen, and every time I watch an episode I am in totally mind fucked by the scenario they have depicted. If you love technology and conspiracy theories than Black Mirror is perfect for you.

1.Bob’s Burgers
Bob’s burgers is by far the best show I have discovered this Summer. First and foremost no Summer is complete without a solid cartoon to always have resting in the wings. Bob’s Burgers is a cartoon that follows a family trying to stay afloat running their burger joint together. The characters are hysterical, every plot of every episode is ridiculous, and everyone in the show constantly breaks out in song. Now if these aren’t the perfect ingredients for a cartoon, then I don’t know what is. I made it my number one because it has truly been the best find of the Summer. You can’t compare Bob’s Burgers to South Park or Family Guy, this show is in a total category of its own.


The World Is Ugly

I’m not sure if getting older has shown me how ugly the world is, or if current global situations have exacerbated in the past year. By no means do I ever consider myself someone knowledgeable enough to talk about global matters, but it doesn’t take a genius to see we are living in scary  times. Young men and women are dying every day all over the world, not just in our own country. As we have seen in the news recently the world is spilling with hate. Violence, murder, slander, and a general feeling of anti-acceptance; I guess this is our new normal. But, it really doesn’t have to be. Instead of backing up all of your beliefs with hashtags start joining organizations and fight for what you care about. It is super easy to hide behind your Iphone and preach words, but until you display action…all you are is talk. If the standard of the world does not meet your expectations it is our duty as young Americans to change that standard. As long as we unite with action instead of with words nothing will change. The world is ugly and we don’t have to just sit around and glare at it with discontent…we can actually change the world. This is a call to action for everyone who believes in something, stop hiding behind your hashtags and backup your beliefs. Scary times won’t change with words, but unity through community can change anything. Just put your phone down and fight for something more than likes on a socially conscious Instagram post. Fight for your rights as a citizen of the world.


Summer Reading List

Happy Hump Day Earthlings!!!!! Summer is finally here in an official capacity. Along with every pissed off high schooler I am giving my readers, The Official Alexis Lee Problems Summer 16 Reading List. Hopefully you will enjoy my selections and not think I am a defunct old fart bag for sharing a reading list. Writing is my number one passion (duh) but reading definitely slides in as a close second, with the amount of books I consume (1 per week) I think I have a pretty good library to make a list from. This list of books are for my guy and girl readers. I very rarely read gender specific books so this list is perfect for anyone. My voracious reading habit actually led me to investing in a Kindle a couple of years ago (it took a lot of convincing) because there simply was no more book shelf space for my collection. I know that everyone has a little extra time on their hands with Summer afoot so it really is the best time to dive into some new reads. If you aren’t a huge reader of books you might actually just want to pick up one of these bad boys. Who knows you might end up really digging on books, invest in a pair of fancy reading glasses, buy an ivory pipe, a velvet smoking jacket and really become someone interesting.

The Official Alexis Lee Problems Summer ’16 Reading List 

  1. The Game Of Thrones Series By George R.R. Martin
    The television series took the world by storm, but in my opinion the books are far superior. As we all know the series of books is not complete but at 1,000+ pages an installment it will take up plenty of your time. If you love gore, strange sex, dwarfs, and unsettling magic than Game Of Thrones is where it’s at.
  2. Inferno By Dan Brown
    This book was published in 2013 but the movie is soon coming out starring Tom Hanks so this might be something you want to pick up. If you loved Da Vinci Code then this is the right book for you. It features our favorite “Detective of Symbols”, Robert Langdon. Inferno is filled with layered plot twists, a tiny bit of romance, and totally action packed.
  3. Damned By Chuck Palahniuk
    Damned is the book for the sick fuck that lives hidden deep inside of all of our brains. This twisted story is about a little girl’s personal trip in the after life through hell. If this book doesn’t have you hysterical laughing from one second and then wanting to vomit the next than clearly you aren’t reading it properly. It is by far my favorite Palahniuk book since Fight Club and still has yet to be topped. If you really enjoy Damned (which I’m sure you will) then check out Doomed, the sequel.
  4.  Godsent By Richard Burton
    If Sci-fi had a baby with Religious Folk Lore, and then that baby had a baby with Clandestine Military Assassinations then you would get a book like Godsent. This is a wild ride through the life of who is to be believed as the “Messiah”. I wouldn’t normally love a book with religious themes, but the excitement and violence had me hooked. I suggest anyone who likes Dan Brown books to pick this one up.
  5.  A Brief History OF Seven Killings By Marlon James
    The New York Times gave it best book of the year in 2015, and my recommendation isn’t far off from theirs. This was one of my favorite books published last year. It takes you back to Kingston, Jamaica during the 70’s to the early 90’s. This story covers gang violence, to the local sex trade, to a Rock N Roll music festival. The book is written in the native tongue which also makes it a read that cannot be compared to anything else. I highly recommend this book to anyone who appreciates the ability of true story telling

These are my top five picks!!!! Start out with these to whet your appetite and maybe as summer continues I’ll drop another reading list!


Sleeping Beauty

Hello Earthlings!!!! Only one more day till FriYAY! I am coming to you guys from my new mental place; that new special place within myself is called “Namaste In Bed”. After almost 27 years sleeping on a twin size bed, I have finally upgraded to a full size with a very fancy Tempur-Pedic Mattress. To say the least I basically never ever want to get out of my bed for the rest of my life. I am very sure that this novelty will soon wear off and my bed will just become a place for sleep, but as of now I’m finding it hard to remain vertical. I am a very light sleeper and have been taking sleep aides before bed for the past 3 years. This bed has totally changed the game! for the first time since I can remember I can finally sleep a complete night without restlessly tossing and spending hours upon hours staring at my ceiling fan wondering when the elusive sleep demon would take me into his clutches. I have written a lot in the past on my blog about my sleep problems hoping that maybe my venting would magically put me under sleep hypnosis, but the reality was I just needed a new fancy gorgeous bed. Now that I am waking up fresh and sleeping through the night I want to share a list of things that have improved due to my newfound gift of steady slumbers.

Why Sleeping An Entire Night Is The Best Thing In The Universe

  1. The only bags I carry are under my arm and not under my eyes
  2. When I wake up I am less of a total bitch (I like to call this Bitch Lite)
  3. I wake up and don’t cry throughout my morning workout because I couldn’t get a proper rest the night before
  4. I can now actually move around in my bed while I sleep without the fear of ending up on the floor (If you know me personally, you know I used to wake up on the floor at least twice a week)
  5. When it hits 1 PM I no longer feel like the Tin Man when he runs out of oil
  6. When I wake up it isn’t from an alarm its from the healthy uninterrupted ten hours of rest I experienced
  7. I now get grumpy at 4Pm instead of the moment I open my eyes in the morning

So If you guys are having sleep troubles, you might want to put the Tylenol PM down and think about changing up your entire sleep environment. I’m all about solutions to all of our problems, I hope me sharing my solution helped the rest of you sleepless zombies out there!


Alexis Lee Problems Stands With Orlando

I wish I could start today’s post with a cute one liner or a funny quip but I just can’t. The events that occurred over the weekend in Orlando have left me feeling more emotions than I have ever felt before. As a lifelong Florida resident I am no stranger to the amazing city that is Orlando. I have grown up going there on vacations, visited my friends when they moved up for college, have frequented music festivals there, and have even travelled to Orlando for various sporting events. This week my heart bleeds for this magical city and the atrocity committed against it. This blog is not about political views or ill fueled opinions; it has always been about love, compassion, and understanding. I just want everyone to know who has been affected by the mass shooting in Orlando that Alexis Lee Problems stands with you. Many of my readers are from Orlando and even more of my readers are members of the LGBTQ community. This heinous crime that was cast against you will not go unpunished. The world see’s that there is a bigger evil at hand, a new pure fear and it will be dealt with. As smart young people it is our job to stand together and support Orlando right now in their time of need. Whether it is donating blood, attending a vigil, or just spreading awareness of what happened. Please take this post today as my piece of love and devotion for the victims of the Pulse Shooting. Alexis Lee Problems will always stand by your side, we will always support you, and we will continue spreading love and acceptance through words. Our LGBTQ brothers and sisters need us more now than they ever have, and I have made a decision to stand with them and fight fear.

If you would like to donate blood to help the victim’s of the Pulse Shooting the link below can connect you with a local donation center!



BackWoodz Beatz Summer16

Good day earthlings! I hope everyone’s week is off to a solid start, just remember Friday is around the corner…not. As everyone knows my happy place is the affectionately known as The BackWoodz. The BackWoodz (the artist formerly known as my backyard *Happy Birthday Prince*) is where I unwind and find inner peace. Besides unwinding, peace, and all that Namaste stuff, it’s also the dopest backyard pool getaway in West Pines. Summer is finally upon us and the BackWoodz is back open for business. Right before I begin my ritual of obsessive bikini shopping and tanning oil hoarding, I always begin collecting music for the annual Summer BackWoodz playlist. The playlist is ever growing and forever changing, but every year I like to get together a handful of must have beats. Now that I have my blog and I am able to share more with you guys….for the first time ever I am sharing this years BackWoodz Beats Summer16 playlist. Now that we can all be connected by the wizards over at Spotify, I am able to share my epic playlist at a pool near you. This playlist is for the lover of all genres…I would normally tell you what you would be in for but I much rather you just turn the volume up and vibe!


Mid-Week Music Mashup!

Hump day is here and I’m ready to party!!!!!! One of my best girlfriend’s from Texas is in town and this sick track will set the tone for the weekend! Trauma made an exclusive dubstep mix for you guys, and I think it is amazing. I listened to the 37 minute track while I was on my run and it was the perfect soundtrack. The beating hard industrial tones mixed with droning robotic voices had me feeling like a Storm Trooper. I can’t wait to play this mix for my pregame tonight. This mix is all about hype and intensity, so if you aren’t trying to rage then I suggest you skip forward. If you are in the mood to party this mix will one hundred percent take you there.


Rosé All Day

Rosé has to be my most favorite things to sip on in the world. I know that everyone says it’s a trend and that Rosé will sooner than later fade into the background, but I beg to differ. Rosé is most commonly looked at as a seasonal blended wine that is drank between Spring and Summer. But, for the past three years I have been drinking Rosé all year long, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. My motto will forever be “Rosé All Day!”.

Since I have been drinking Rosé for such a long period of time I have definitely cultivated my favorites and have weeded out my not so favorites. Due to the time of year it is I wanted to share my top five picks with you guys. All of these Rosé’s are very easy to find at any large liquor store. A lot of Rosé’s on other lists are only found online and difficult to track down locally. I wanted to give you guys an opportunity to find something great, fast, and easy. So be sure to pull this list up in the liquor store while you are picking out my favorite pool side libation!

5.H To H “Homage To Heritage” Cotes Du Rhone Rosé ($9.99) 

H To H is a Rosé I very recently tried and loved right off the bat. It is very light and fruity and is perfect for a pool day. It isn’t dry in the least and definitely has some subtle notes of grapefruit. I like to pair H To H with very light fare like sliced veggies and hummus or an assorted fruit platter. It is a classic and crip French Rosé that can be a staple in anyones wine fridge. At $9.99 it’s also a killer price for a very good quality french Rosé.

4. Fontanyl Rosé De Provence ($14.99)

Fontanyl is hands down my standard Rosé that I always have chilled and ready to go in my fridge. This Rosé is much dryer and I prefer to drink it in the evenings with a meal. I always find the dryer the Rosé the better it pairs with dinner. I like to also serve Fontanyl as cold as possible and even throw a couple ice cubes in my glass. Since I enjoy Fontanyl on the colder side, I always drink it in a glass with a stem. I do this so the heat from my hands doesn’t transfer over to the wine and interrupt its flavor profile (yes, we may sometimes be trashy over here at Alexis Lee Problems, but we know how to class it up when it counts).

3.Brin De Rosé ($12.99) 

The bottle design for Brin De Rosé really tells it all without even tasting it. The fun bold design on the bottle eludes to this Rosé’s very fragrant, citrusy, and sweet flavor. This is a Rosé I typically bring to people’s houses for a pregame. The bottle design is really impressive and makes for a good hostess gift. There is no need to chill the Brin De Rosé to any arctic temperatures the normal 30 minutes in the fridge before serving is just right.

2.La Vie En Rosé Du Chateau Landereau ($14.99) 

Once I found this Rosé I was totally hooked. My favorite type of flavor profile is light and fruity and La Vie En Rosé hits the nail on the head. It is the freshest and most crisp Rosé I have ever had and it is always in my wine fridge. To add a little something special to La Vie En Rosé I like to pour half a glass and then top it of with a Lime La Croix. It’s my own take on a Rosé spritzer. Since the La Vie en Rosé is so light and silky it compliments the bite of lime in the La Croix. My friends always ask for this cocktail when tanning in the Backwoodz, I highly recommend you guy’s try it.

1. Whispering Angel ($22.49) 

Whispering Angel is the Mac Daddy gateway drug to the Rosé universe. I think it’s the first Rosé anyone should ever try and I can guarantee it will be one of, if not the best one they have ever had. I was first introduced to Whispering Angel while watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Kyle ordered a glass of it, and I said to myself, “If it’s good enough for Kyle, then it’s good enough for me!”. It was the first Rosé I ever bought and just like your first car you never forget it. It is still my number one pick out of every Rosé I have ever tried, and always I recommend it to people that are just now being introduced into the Rosé universe. It’s best served chilled with one ice cube and I very rarely like to pair it with food, it’s so good on its own there is no need for a pairing.


Mid-Week Music Mashup!

It’s a beautiful Wednesday in South Florida, and I got more done before 12pm than most people do in a whole day. Trauma whipped up a special mix this week for us to celebrate tomorrow’s most anticipated holiday…Cinco De Mayo! Last mix session they got us ready for sticky budz on 420 and today they have us all set for our Cinco Margaritas! As I worked out, got coffee, took Sookie Pie to the groomers, and packed for my long awaited staycation on South Beach I had this mix bumping. This week’s mix is an hour and a half long party banger that hits everything from old school thumping bass lines, hard style energy, and that good Moombahton to get your ass shaking. Listening to it on repeat this morning got me so ready for a Margarita on SoBe that I’m basically counting down the nano seconds until I can max out on the beach. I hope you guy’s dig what Trauma cooked up, because I know I did! Everyone have a safe Cinco De Mayo tomorrow; and remember if you are watching your waistline skip the frozen margarita and get one on the rocks for tomorrows festivities! Arriba earthlings and May the 4th be with you!!!!!!


Miss Too Perfect

What’s up everybody! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend, I know I did! Between manic fits of exercise and hanging out with awesome friends this was the best possible way to end April! But, as I was hanging out with my girlfriends (because this weekend was a total all girls weekend) I noticed something about myself when we were all discussing our love lives. My friends  are all pretty healthy daters, with a constant flow of different guys. They are all talking to plenty of guys in a romantic capacity, they go on dates fairly often, and even a few of them are in pretty serious relationships. That was when I noticed the difference within myself.

Do I enjoy being single; yes. If I found the right dude would I settle down; yes. Am I going to fall into a relationship with the first guy who shows interest; no. As I asked myself all these questions and answered them soundly to myself, I noticed that I don’t really ever have a “constant flow” of men to choose from because all of these guys and I have established relationships as close friends. I am and have always been the cool girl that men feel comfortable to be themselves around. Instead of getting down on myself for being the founder  of the friend zone (because we all know how fabulous I think I am) I have decided that I am just what I would like to call a “Miss Too Perfect”.

A “Miss Too Perfect” is someone who men just truly feel comfortable around. I never judge any of the men in my life, or anyone for that matter. This usually leads to all of my guy friends unloading every detail of every raunchy escapade they have ever encountered. But, like always I never ever judge. I also think it’s important for men to be able to trust me. My guy friends usually feel very free around me, so I am usually confided in my them. I like to be accessible and easy to talk to for all of my friends but, I think my trustworthiness is what guys really appreciate. I think that girls always get a bad rep due to gossip and drama, so I have always tried to stay above both and men seem to really like that in a friend. It’s also important for my guy friends to know that I am interested in what they like. I think it’s super important to educate yourself in things that your friends like. It’s a considerate gesture and also helps you relate better to the people that you surround yourself with. It just so happens that I really enjoy the same things that most men like. Whether it’s cars, motorcycles, The Godfather, Game Of Thrones, Football; you name it if a guy likes it chances are so do I.

Instead of getting down on myself for not always having the fullest of dance cards, I am really happy with how many amazing guy friends I have. I know they all love me like their own sisters and they are all of the brothers I never had. I know that one day I’ll find a guy who doesn’t just become my best friend, but until then I am really happy with being “Miss. Too Perfect”.

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